Pay it Forward

Pay It Forward - Lost Treasure

Subject: I Lost My Phone while I was out disc golfing at Max Park last evening and my phone disappeared…

so if anyone called me, that’s why I’m not around…

if anyone DOES have my number, PLEASE call my phone, or better yet, text message me. I’m going back to look for it right now (11:15am)

wish me luck….

– J

Date: Sep 17, 2006 6:41 PM
Subject Last Night
Body: Yesterday was awesome, beach, booze, disc golf, and good times…

but somewhere along the line… my phone disappeared.


So I went back and retraced my every step.. while my dude Chris called my phone every few FEET we walked.

I looked for about 2 hours… no luck.

So I wake up kinda early, about 6:30am – and I said…


woke back up at 9am, and tried to figure out what to do about my phone situation…

well friends..

I HATE giving up.

So I was convinced that I was going to find the fuckin thing… I went back to the frisbee golf course and walked every shot I threw once over and listened for the text alert I had sent it.

I did that for about an hour on my way over to my Uncle’s to watch our QB’s PUSSY ASS get knocked around…


I ended up finding someone ELSE’S lost treasure.

Someone dropped their wallet on hole 7 at Max Park.

I just kind of thought… Yea, I could use some good Karma about right now.

I should give this cat back his wallet.

I once had an old couple find my wallet one Sunday Morning during their weekly Sunday morning walk together after I lost it delivering pizza late one Saturday Night and return it to my HOUSE for me and left the $60 that was in it…

I should pay it forward.

So I head over to my uncles house and we get to talking..

I told him how I had lost my phone..

and he says:

“Oh, I found it for you. I guess you didn’t get my message?”


I guess someone found it and left it at McDonald’s for me to pick it up??????



I went in and asked a Manager about it… perhaps my charm kinda came in handy, because the girl I had gotten the attention of behind the counter (-grin-) overheard me ask and began telling me how it went off at 5 a.m.


That’s my phone alright.

Well now that I’ve cashed in my Karma Points I need some new ones.

So I’m off on my next adventure:

Total Est. Time: 42 minutes Total Est. Distance: 27.40 miles

I do so love to drive my Baby Girl.

– J


So I went and dropped off this guys wallet and when I found the house, it was about 11pm or so, I thought it may be a little late to be banging on the door. I ended up just leaving it on the front porch in front of the door next to the kitty food, and I took my gas receipt and wrote on the back:

“Pay it Forward”

and then:


I thought that would be a cool way to make a new myspace friend.

I actually got a response!

Dude I can thank you enough.People like you are hard to find. I’ve been bragging to all my friends what you did for me.I would like to do something nice for you!Maybe we could disc golf sometime on me and I can take you to lunch or something somewhere nice.My girlfriend found my wallet on the porch and she was amazed. I owe you big time.I just wanted to thank you. ps: I seen you are into VW’s I actually am too,and I have a ’55 oval 3-fold ragtop wolfs’ . Right now it’s under restoration but next time your down we could check it out if your want! Thanks again man,your a good guy…… Thanks again, TJ


You see what can happen if everyone had each others back?

Some people try to change the world all their lives, but if you make a difference in even one persons life… you can find the means to better the world you live in.



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